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Olá do Brasil!
Hello from Brazil !
by Estêvão Marques


A SingOrff ZOOM Workshop Series


Experience Music Games from Brazil in this meeting with the child's world of Brazilian popular culture. Songs, dances and rhythms that are used in commemorative celebrations on the streets are reinvented and brought to the classroom. Let's explore Brazilian percussion with spoons, music games, dances and melodies that tell stories. Beginning from the great richness of traditional folklore, we will keep it alive by re-creating it in imaginative ways. Each song creates an engaging scenario for different group activities, filled with educational concepts that are easily assimilated by the children.


These activities includes traditional instruments but also body percussion, spoons, buckets, balls, ping pong balls, table, cup, and many other alternative ways to make music.

We will need some materials:
- two spoons (wood, metal or hard plastic)

- a paper A4
- a masking tape
- a ping pong ball
- a ball (the size of a volleyball)

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11th & 12th Sep 2021
Saturday & Sunday
2.00pm to 5.00pm
(both days)


SGD 80 (covers both days)


Graduated in music in São Paulo Brazil, Estêvão is a researcher of Brazilian folklore. He is a member of Grupo Triiia trio group that focusses on Music and Games for children, and a teacher/trainer at The San Francisco Orff Course in USA. He has taught workshops in many places, such as Turkey, Colombia, Uruguay, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Italy, Thailand, Spain, Austria, Argentina and around Brazil. 


Grupo Triii

Estêvão was the Music Director for the radio program/play Muitas coisas, poucas palavras; a arte de ensinar e aprender (Many things, a few words; the art of teaching and learning) by Francisco Marques (Chico dos Bonecos). He is a researcher of 'percussive spoons' around the world and writer of the “Colherim” book (guide on how to play brazilian traditional rhythms using spoons as instrument). He is also the director of the online course Baile do Colherim and Educando pela Brincadeira.

Author of the book Brasil for Children (+CD with 30 songs) and author of the collection Historias que Cantam (Stories that Sings) awarded by the Department of Education of the São Paulo City. Co-author of the collection Brincadeiras e Brincadeirinhas Musicais Palavra Cantada (Musical Jokes and Songs Word Sung), all of which have received recognition for their innovative ideas for arts education.

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Estêvão is a member of the music group child Palavra Cantada with Paulo Tatit and Sandra Peres. Played with Chico César, Antonio Nobrega and the famous group Barbatuques. Additionally, he is storyteller and teacher of dance and percussion at the Institute Brincante Theatre School.

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