Kofi Gbolonyo
"Songs & Games of
Ghana & West Africa"

In this 2-day workshop, Kofi will bring you to a unique experience and the cultural surroundings of Africa, right at the comfort of your own home. However, be prepared to take on a bit of a 'workout' as he passionately brings you to the cultural world of the Ewe tribe from Ghana; through music, dance and games. Learn more about its rich cultural context and take away wonderful ideas and materials you can share with your students.
This workshop is suitable for music educators from early childhood to elementary or primary level.
5th & 6th June 2021
Saturday & Sunday
10.00am to 1.00pm
(both days)
SGD 80 (covers both days)
Dr. Kofi Gbolonyo, an internationally recognized Orff-Schulwerk music educator, is a seasoned clinician who conducts workshops and gives presentations all over the world. He is an advocate of multicultural music education and has taught at different levels of education in Ghana and other countries in West Africa, Europe, South America, East and Southeast Asia, and in many states in the United States of America and provinces in Canada.
His primary research, expertise, and educational interests are in West African traditional music and dance, Ewe indigenous knowledge, language and culture, Orff-Schulwerk pedagogy, multicultural music education, Ghanaian brass band and choral music. His scholarship focuses on indigenous knowledge and cultural values in the musical practices of the Ewe and Fon of West Africa.
He performs regularly and has presented numerous workshops and scholarly papers at annual meetings of many professional associations including the American Orff-Schulwerk Association (AOSA), Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM), East Asian Regional Council of Overseas Schools (EARCOS), European Council of International Schools (ECIS), Associacion Orff Espana, MENC: National Music Educators Association, International Society for Music Education (ISME), Associação ORFF Brasil (ABRAORFF), Orff-Schulwerk Association of Finland (JaSeSoi ry), and at many other international arenas in West Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.