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Peta Harper Singapore Workshop:

"Sharing the Basics"

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Australian Peta Harper will be presenting a unique online workshop that is recommended for classroom teachers and Orff practitioners. Peta will be sharing ideas on the basics that are needed for online learning, and providing music educators the necessary skills to achieve concrete musical experiences for the children.


25th & 26th July 2020

Saturday & Sunday

2.00pm to 3.30pm

(both days)




SGD 80 (both days)


Peta Harper is a music educator with over twenty years of experience teaching in schools. Her work has been predominantly in secondary music education, incorporating the Orff approach into all facets of her work. Peta is a presenter of the ANCOS Levels course.  She has presented at workshops and conferences nationwide and teaches the Orff component of the BMus Ed degree at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.


She has written education materials for the Sydney Symphony, Musica Viva, and UTS education programs, and has been a marker and judge for all course of HSC music.


Peta’s understanding and passion for the Orff Approach enables her to find creative ways to unlock challenging music for students.

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